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The 21st Century firewall isn’t technology…it’s people. Given that 95 percent of all security incidents involve human error (IBM “2014 Cyber Security Intelligence Index”), it has become critical to address the human component as part of an overall Information Security program.





While you’re focused on building a business, cyber criminals are working to steal your information.  


- We complete the “people-process-technology” equation, delivering human-focused communications that complete your Information Security strategy.   




J. Alexis Group is a corporate communications consultancy with a focus on behavior management as it relates to Information Security practices. In addition to providing comprehensive internal communications support, we promote the importance of managing information safely by shining a light on the role that individuals play in protecting information, both personal and institutional. By clearly understanding how and when technology is used in your organization, we develop marketing-based communication tools that turn your staff into more responsible digital citizens and make you safer.

  • We specialize in behavior management.

  • We are experts in communication.

  • We are experts in information protection/assurance.

  • We apply a marketing-style communications approach to driving behavioral change around Information Security.


Elevating the Information Security conversation from mundane to inspiring.  

We can evade reality but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality.

- Ayn Rand, novelist



Information Security Behavior Management and Communications



J. Alexis Group supports Information Security teams at organizations needing to address the human aspect of Information Security. Most conversations related to this topic refer to technology-based solutions. However, because so many breaches happen due to human error, the need to incorporate mechanisms to engage, educate and empower an organization’s people is critical. 



J. Alexis Group looks at this problem in two components:     

  • Subjects - the people who need information

  • Objects - the information that is needed



We support the relationship between the two. Most programs are focused on the Objects: the information we protect. Very little time is spent on the Subjects: the people who access and work with the information. What do they do with it when they access it? How do they handle it when they’re working with it or sharing it with others?



Deliverables include:


Information Security Awareness Campaign Strategy – A comprehensive approach to building awareness of the threat landscape, roles and responsibilities across the institution and desired behaviors to empower security.



Unique Marketing Elements – Creative elements like “sizzle reels” capture attention and set the stage for discussions around Information Security, elevating the conversation from mundane to inspiring.  


Content Matrix – A comprehensive review of assets, tools and touchpoints through which to drive Information Security awareness based on your organization’s needs and context. 



Content Development – Development of marketing-based media that promotes Information Security topics and outlines desired behaviors.    



Tracking and Analytics – Identification of appropriate metrics of success and implementation of tools for tracking and reporting progress toward change.



Leadership Reports – Development of Board Reports and other confidential leadership-level reports.


           You’ve hired a team of conscientious professionals.  Guess what…they’re human.

- We focus on the human element of Information Security.





Corporate Communications


One element affecting employee satisfaction and retention is a strong corporate communications strategy. Employees appreciate transparency. Creating a feeling of inclusion happens when leadership clearly states the organizations values, intentions and goals, openly sharing them with staff members. With this understanding, employees recognize how their individual roles contribute to the organization's overall strategic plan, which drives a feeling of value and relevance. 


By identifying all available communications tools and understanding how individual constituent groups access and utilize those tools, J. Alexis Group develops strategic communications programs designed to drive employee engagement, champion leadership-driven initiatives and ensure that employees always feel included, important and informed. 

Deliverables include:

Organizational Updates - Creation and dissemination of company-wide news and updates affecting all employees

Executive Communication - Creation and dissemination of executive-level messages, including Board Reports, project updates, assessments of critical issues, and updates on ongoing corporate-wide initiatives


Communications Plans - Development and implementation of strategic communications plans that support individual work groups within an organization

Archetypes - Identification of various personas within an organization and development of narratives for each

Content Assessment, Curation and Development - Identifying gaps in materials, writing and editing, curating content, and posting content on internal websites 

Website Assessment and ArchitectureProviding guidance regarding website architecture and content, writing and editing copy

Collateral - Identify and create assets and branded collateral 

Event Support - Development and implementation of communications related to special events, which oftentimes requires cross-departmental collaboration

Project Management

Resource and Creative Support - We don't believe in reinventing wheels. Rather, we begin by assessing existing assets and content to determine if and how they can be repurposed to support the Marketing Strategy. Oftentimes, we identify gaps and components - things like video assets, print collateral, re-envisioned websites and interactive apps - that, if added to the mix, would further the outcome. In that case, J. Alexis Group can help get creative work developed by engaging our network of business partners, acting as the liaison between the parties to ensure your needs are effectively represented and that the work is delivered at the highest level.  

Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing. 
Rollo May, 
American existential psychologist and author



Technology has changed our lives. At work and at home, we are always connected and therefore, always vulnerable. In too many cases, our personal information is stolen, most often by no fault of our own. But, there are things we can do to protect our companies, our families and ourselves.


J. Alexis Group was founded by Jacqueline LaScala who, after working with the Information Security team at a global healthcare provider, saw a gap in the cyber protection environment that needed to be filled: the people component. Jacqueline’s work on this high-visibility corporate communications project focused on building awareness around issues related to Information Security. The goal was to modify behavior across a staff of more than 65,000 people to protect the institution’s data and information. By applying a sales and marketing approach to this challenge, the team was able to escalate the importance of Information Security and inspire the staff to embrace the changes requested.


Through that experience, it became clear that the human component is not getting the attention it should in the Information Security industry and people need to know the risks and how to manage them.




                The information security threat landscape has changed. Has your team?

     - Change is hard.  We drive behavioral change so it sticks. 




In addition to Information Security, J. Alexis Group recognizes the critical nature of effective communications. Companies are made or broken based on their communications style. Establishing a strong, clear and consistent corporate "voice" is the first step, and can only be accomplished with an understanding of the organization's culture, vision and vibe. Given that, we can develop compelling messaging delivered where and how employees are most likely to engage.


We are behavior management and communications experts. We understand the dynamics of large and small organizations, having worked with some of the largest in the world, as well as with start-ups. We understand the complex nature of the ever-changing business and technology landscape. Our approach is to understand your business first. With that clarity, we develop contextually relevant messaging about changing behaviors that will inspire your staff to engage and take action.


We are strong communicators and empathetic-natured problem-solvers. We enjoy collaborating with seriously skilled professionals through projects that yield big results and exceed expectations. We are detail-oriented taskmasters with a strong work ethic. Our drive and passion mean you can depend on us when you need things done and done right. 


We work with a network of valued, trusted and talented partners, integrating them into the mix as needed based on our clients' specific needs. Communication is obviously critical as we work together to ensure our clients' success.

“Jacqueline has a unique ability to clearly assimilate, assess and communicate complex issues at both leadership and practitioner levels - an imperative for today’s fast-paced business challenges.”  


Jim Nelms

Former Chief Information Security Officer, Mayo Clinic

If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.

- Kahlil Gibran, artist, poet and writer


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Communication - the human connection - is the key to personal and career success.

- Paul J. Meyer, author

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